Sunday, July 12, 2009

Jessica, Your Wedding Was Amazing! But in other news...

I'm reading a book recommended to me by my mother's Spiritual Adivsor. It's called Everything Belongs, and it's actually damn good.

Two phrases that are turning in my head right now:

1. Tabula Rasa--it's a common phrase, (and a buffy ep title) but it's latin for "clean slate."
2. This is a prayer I find incredibly soothing and also hits to the heart of what I believe God is:

God beneath you,
God in front of you,
God behind you,
God above you,
God within you.

What's cool to me is that you can replace "God" with a "Joy" or "Love" or "Light" or "Peace" or pretty much anything like that, and to me, the prayer doesn't change, because I believe God is all of those things, and all of those things are God.

Cool, huh?

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