Saturday, May 16, 2009

I graduated from Bradley University today.

I don't feel much about it. I feel pleased and content, because I've been waiting for graduation for a long time. I feel sort of sad, not about graduation, but about specific water under the proverbial certain bridge. I feel sort of pulled, but that's because I know I should make good use of my time today by packing and the like, even though I'd rather just lay (lie? frick) around all day. Even though I should really fill out job applications and clean my festering kitchen. And I need to sell that desk! That futon! And I feel tired, but that's simply because I just ate a huge meal at flat top grill and now I'm sleepy.

Asha says the graduating seniors before us said it didn't hit them until winter of the following year... so I guess I'll wait till then, and perhaps I'll have more of an appropriate reaction. I will miss a handful of people, yes. And I will miss the lifestyle of college, my friends, my work friends, and my apartment, and Elizabeth, and certain professors and buildings... but the overall feeling I have right now isn't sadness, or nostalgia, or anything in between.

Instead, I just find myself with a big, wide smile on my face, (albeit with sleepy eyes.)

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