Thursday, June 18, 2009

Mushaboom Mushaboom

My eating habits suck.

They're healthy in content, but not in schedule or quantity.
It's a really irksome connundrum.

I'm not a shopper--I'm really not. But today, I went a little retail therapy crazy. I bought these awesome beaded earrings as well as small hoops--Kyla and I are thinking of getting other piercings in our ears and I want to have hoops ready for that--plus a super awesome tye-dye dress I'm going to wear to pretty much EVERY wedding I'm attending this summer, plus an incredible beaded necklace with three necklaces in one--matches the dress! Plus software and paper for making my own business cards. I'm growing tired of writing down my number. I might as well be a grown up and have a card that says actor, writer (freelance, poetry, drama, prose) and comedian (improv, stand-up.) With a picture, hopefully. I feel so adult. It's disconcerting.

The stand-up stuff is actually going incredibly well. I'm saying this in all unbiased sincerity. I feel like I just have a knack for this, which is awesome because that means that for the last two years I've been secretly thinking I'd be good at this but didn't want to be a narcissist--it means I was right! I still may be egocentric, but at least I'm accurate :) Thursday night in Champaign was just incredible. I was completely and utterly "on." It was the best performance of mine hands down, and I got so much great feedback--not just from other comics, but audience members and even some stand-up "industry people" if you will--I mean, it's central Illinois, it's not chi-town, but still. I think I'm going to get some gigs out of the people I met there. As one person said, "We'd really like you to perform for us. We don't have a lot of young people... or really, a lot of funny people, either." So... yay me! Plus, Trey and I had a rockin' awesome time in Champaign. Champaign is a pretty fucking awesome city, I must say.

This weekend will be my last weekend living and working in Peoria, and I cannot lie, this makes me very sad. Although I never (and still really don't) liked/like Peoria, I have a lot of love and friendships and loyalty that center around working at One World, and I am going to miss it on many levels. I know that the odds I will stay in touch with the majority of my colleagues are small simply because of the way life's revolving door works, but it makes my heart hurt regardless. I really do care about all of them, and I hope they know I wish them lives full of joy and discovery. I know that leaving this weekend will be hard for many, many reasons.

However, on the up side, I had a job interview today--and I think it went damn well! The manager there told me I seem like a perfect fit and that she would like to invite me on the team---but they've got 4 or 5 previous employees who may come back for the summer, and they need to wait till next friday to see who all is coming back and whether or not they'll have a slot. I think the odds are good (or at least I hope they are) that there will be a slot open. I really liked this place--it was really mod and fancy looking. Not quite as gloriously eccentric and artsy as my beloved One World, but it had class. And the manager was so kind, I have a feeling she's pretty awesome to work with. I just really really really want a server job, and this place looks pretty rockin'. Anyway. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

Alright, well I need to either shower now, or call Asha--but either way I have a lot of shaving and plucking and nail painting to do in order to beautify myself for the wedding tomorrow. But I am actually very, very excited about my outfit for the wedding. See, I can be stereotypically "girly." ;)

Love and joy and carrot sticks,
Sarah D

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