Thursday, June 25, 2009

"Over You," Sheryl Crow

I'm a bit depressed this evening.

I had a lot of plans for today, and I can't seem to do any of them. I woke up at 1pm, which is just silly. I wasn't even out that late. Comedy went great last night, and I know I was tired, but come on. I really need to start working out again. I just feel gross and weak and out of sorts. I'm still eating my uber healthy way, but lying around all day--or, okay, driving, walking, and cleaning my room--it isn't cutting it. But I'm fairly certain my motivation is buried somewhere in the boxes still cluttering up my room.

It amazes me that even after graduating school, I can feel stressed and overwhelmed by my to do list. It's not even that long, but it *feels* long. And time, there's never enough of that. Wah, wah wah....

This weekend is my last at One World. I'll miss it. Plus, I'm starting to panic about getting a job in blono. Get this--I'm even considering DETASSLING. How ridiculous is that? What am I, in 8th grade? But I need a job. Big time.

Eh. I just feel crappy today, like I accomplished almost nothing, but that's not really true. I guess I got some stuff done...

Wow, I really *do* feel like crap right now. Not that I was lying earlier, it's just really hitting me now. Good, so, looks like I'm pmsing this weekend. Oooh, that'll be fun.

Well, I know I'm just a barrel of fun, but I should really take this pity party elsewhere.

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