Thursday, July 16, 2009

Musings before bed

1. Harry Potter Six was gooooooooood. Some iffy moments of acting as per usual, but some really great stuff too. And Harry had some hilarious bits in this film. It's a pretty dark movie, but it was also laugh out loud raucously funny. "Hi!" If you've seen the film, you'll get that.

2. I think even though I've been pretty single the majority of my "adult life," I've never been the kind of single where there isn't at least one person majorly in my life that I either have unrequited feelings for, have somewhat unrequited feelings for but it's complicated, have requited feelings for but it doesn't work out and then there's general angst, or just a random crush. I assume this is normal. What I'm saying is, I can't remember a periodt of my life when I was without "someone" to think/brood/etc about, even though I never had an "official" girlfriend. I like to say and believe that I'm "good" at being single, and I believe this is true, but I'm only good at being the kind of single I've described. I wonder what it would be like to not have someone in the periphery at all times, or sometimes 3 or 4 someones. It might not be possible, but it is intriguing.

3. I'm reading a book called Everything Belongs. Wait, did I mention that already? Yes, yes I did. In a previous post, that is.

4. I really want to get more into The Format and Beck. Especially Beck. I normally don't love bands with guy singers (not a prejudice just a preference) but there's is something really alluring about Beck's music. I also recently listened to some Smith's stuff--pretty good, most definitely.
I really love love love music.

5. Today was a bizarre day. Car confusion, work, construction, starvation, phone call to Elizabeth, food, failed attempts, a pleasant text, bad time wasting/emotional feeding of fire decisions, unexpected crying while changing clothes that ended as soon as it began, coffeehouse visit to get work done and focus, phone call to Anne that made me feel better, not much work done, much pita, hummus and veggies consumed, feelings of laziness and anxiousness abound over lack of productivity and creativity--no real writing has happened--at least poetry wise--in a month. Self-beratment. Text Robbie, Harry Potter, whee! Home--rejoice to see fruit in the kitchen, eat a banana joyously, go to bed.

6. I have to wak up at 5 am tomorrow to walk Mollie, the family dog. I'm getting paid 20 bucks a day to do it, or else I wouldn't. It's going to suck. Biiiiig time.

7. Tomorrow is pay day and I have never been more excited for a payday in my entire life so far.
8. My acne lotion keeps the acne at bay, but it also keeps the moisture in my face at bay. Booo.

9. A friend owes me over a hundred dollars and she's owed me since May. Love the girl, but I need this money BIG TIME and it's turning me into an asshole debt collector. I have a feeling she won't like me by the time the summer is over. But that's a lot of money, and I need it for my trip.

10. I need to do laundry. Badly.

11. "Let's tune out by turning on the radio..."

Bon nuit.

1 comment:

  1. :-)

    just a smile. just wanted you to know i'm here. i like the description of your day. it's so very sarah-like...

    also your analysis on being single. I totally totally get that.hmmm...yah. weird. maybe we're just hopeless romantics? maybe we just like love and that's just that?

    don't know.
